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  • katiejustin138

How to Have a Smooth Postpartum Recovery: Essential Tips for Every Mom

  1. Rest: Prioritize rest and sleep whenever possible. Nap when the baby naps to replenish energy. The dishes and house can wait, healing your body through rest is key.

  2. Nutrition: Listen to your body about what it is craving. Aim for a nutrient dense plate, including high protein for a good recovery. Focusing on whole grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables will ensure proper healing and balanced blood sugar.

  3. Hydration: Drink plenty of water, especially if you are breastfeeding. Sprinkle some electrolytes in or grab a coconut water.

  4. Ask for and Accept Help: It truly does take a village. Don't hesitate to reach out to a friend, loved one, or a postpartum doula for some extra hands. Allow help with chores, feeding or changing baby, cooking, etc. This will make for a more graceful postpartum.

  5. Self-Care: Make time for yourself, even if its only 20 minutes, to be able to slow down and connect with yourself. This may look like a skincare routine, meditation, reading a book, getting outside, your favorite tv show, or simply taking a nap. Every postpartum recovery will look different for each person but what's important is to check in with yourself and ask, "what needs do I have today?", "what could I ask for right now that will help me thrive?". As mothers, we cannot be all of the things to everyone all of the time. Showing up for yourself now will ensure that you don't pour from an empty cup later for someone else.

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